1.   General provisions
1.1    For the purposes of these conditions of use, the user is the person who uses the services offered by the www.isolabio.com website, both if such use is limited to the consultation of the information included therein and if the user proceeds to the use of other services (‘write to us’, ‘newsletter’, ‘blog’).

1.2    The use of the website is governed by these conditions of use, the acceptance of which constitutes an agreement between the User and the Owner and is provided with the mere fact of browsing the Web pages.

1.3    Further rules and conditions may be prepared by the Owner to govern individual services offered on the site: the User must comply with them to take advantage of the relevant goods and services.

1.4    The law applicable to relations arising from the use of the service is the Italian law, according to which these conditions of use shall be interpreted.

1.5    The term “Owner” of the service is used to unambiguously indicate Abafoods S.r.l. with sole shareholder, in the person of its legal representative pro-tempore, with registered office in Badia Polesine (RO) – Via Cà Mignola Nuova 1775, Tax ID and VAT number 00978660298;

1.6    The Owner reserves the right to make, at any time, substantial changes to these conditions of use, making the User aware of such changes by publishing them on the website. Access after such modification implies the complete acceptance by the User of the new conditions of use.

1.7     The text mentions terms that are purely computerised, commonly recognised and of unambiguous meaning and which, unless expressly requested otherwise, are presumed to be known and understood by the user of the website and of the services offered by it.

2.    Obligations of the User.

2.1  The User is required to use the website and the services offered by it in accordance with the law, public order and morality and as established in these conditions of use.

2.2 It is forbidden for the User to copy or otherwise learn the contents of the website, in all its parts, for uses other than strictly personal and, in any case, for commercial use, without prejudice to the provisions on the subject of copyright and/or industrial law.

3.9 If the User publishes the contents of the website www.isolabio.com on a social network, through its own account, it assumes all responsibility that may arise from it.

3.    Owner Obligations, guarantees and disclaimers of liability.

3.1 The Owner undertakes to provide the User with the online usability of the website and the services offered by it, as well as the communication tools associated with them, taking care of their implementation in accordance with current progress of IT instruments.

3.3  The Owner has the right to use communication and/or publication tools alternative and/or accessory to the Site, to make the services offered to Users available, also using, by way of example and not limited to, techniques of linking or mirroring.

3.4  The Owner is not responsible for any use of this website and the services offered by it, which is in violation of the law, morality or public order, or in breach of the provisions of these conditions of use.

3.5  The Owner does not offer any guarantee regarding the updating of the information entered on the site.

3.6  The Owner has no control over the links to other Websites and their content, present on its pages. If the link refers to a Site that offers additional services through the Owner, its use will be governed by the terms of use provided by the service provider.

3.7  The Owner is not liable for any damage and/or loss and/or malfunction and/or prejudice of any kind that may affect User’s computer from the use of the service provided by the same, nor for any contamination of the computer system resulting from access, interconnection, downloading of material and computer programmes from the site, the related costs of repair/restoration remaining the responsibility of the User.

4.    Intellectual property

4.1     This website is protected by current Italian copyright law.

4.2     The User is prohibited from copying or otherwise learning, publishing, disseminating, transmitting or otherwise making available, even partially and/or as a result of changes, what is published on the website, unless this is expressly provided for on the site.

5    Final Provisions

5.1 The Owner reserves the unilateral right to modify, suspend or interrupt the website and the services offered by it.

5.2 The Owner also reserves the right to carry out future entrepreneurial and advertising initiatives, also for a fee, through the use on the website of any third-party logo and/or trademark, including advertising banners and any other advertisement for the promotion and marketing, direct and/or indirect, of any goods, products and services.

6. Jurisdiction

6.1. The jurisdiction applicable to relationships arising from the use of the service is Italian.